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Shopify Login – Setting Up Your Shopify Store: A Beginner’s Guide


In this digital era of e-commerce more and more brick and mortar businesses have come online to sell their products. And, businesses that are still not showcasing their products to the world via e-Commerce are losing out.
Online shopping has been popular but particularly boomed after the Covid-19 pandemic as customers had no option but to rely on e-Commerce for buying essentials. Not having an online presence at such a time would definitely impact the growth and success of a business. The limitations of a brick and mortar shop, even if it’s popular, is that it only reaches a certain number of people.

If you are a business trying to set up your online store, Shopify would be one of the best platforms to start with. You don’t need to have any specialized skills to start a store on Shopify as it is user-friendly and easy to use.
In this blog we will guide you through the process of creating your own Shopify login and setting up your own shopify store.

Steps to Create Your Own Shopify Account

To get started with account creation you need to sign up for a Shopify account and complete the Shopify Store login process. Follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1 – Visit the shopify website and click on the “Get Started” button to initiate the Shopify sign in process.
  • Step 2 – Fill in the required information which includes important details like email addresses and set a strong password along with your store name. Choose a store name which is unique and reflects your brand and which stays with the customer.
  • Step 3 – You have an option to use a free Shopify subdomain or a myshopify login. For example – your (storename).myshopify.com or you can also connect it with your existing domain. However, it is advisable to use a custom domain to look more professional.

Design Your Site

Your website design plays a vital role in showing what your brand is all about and for attracting and retaining your customers. Consider the following steps for creating an eye-catching design for your website.

  • Step 1 – Branding First – Have a uniform style to your brand. Use a logo and brand colors that resonate with your brand, which helps in creating a brand identity. Ensure the design elements that you use for the website resonate with your brand values that cater to the target audience.
  • Step 2 – Keep it Organized – A website which is minimal and simple to understand is more preferable rather than a website which is cluttered. Use clear headings and have separate categories to your products which are easy to understand and have a good structure to your website.
  • Step 3 – Mobile Optimization – Mobile devices are a staple all around the world so it’s important to have a good website design for the mobile users as well. Testing your website on different devices can help you ensure it looks good and functions well on various mobile devices.

Add Products to your Shopify Store

  • Step 1 – On the dashboard navigate to the “Products” tab which is located on the left side bar in the Shopify Admin Page.
  • Step 2 – Click on the “Add Products” button and create a new product listing. Provide important details such as the title, description, pricing and images of your product . Thereafter, organize them into collections for easy browsing.
  • Step 3 – For starters, optimization of product pages is essential. Start by writing compelling and interesting descriptions that help in highlighting the features of the products and how beneficial it is to the customers. Use high quality images of your products and offerings and encourage customer reviews so that it helps you build trust and credibility.

Set up Payments and Shipping

To ensure that your customers have the best experience, it is crucial to have easy and friendly payment gateways and shipping methods.

1. Choose the payment gateway – Shopify has various payment gateways which also includes their own Shopify payments and others such as Paypal and Gpay. Select a payment gateway which would suit your business, is easy to work with and which also ensures secure transactions.

2. Configuration of Shipping options – Set up your shipping charges according to the weight, size, and pick-up location of your products when configuring your shipping options. To draw clients, think about providing flat-rate or free shipping choices.

Launching your Store

The initial setup for your Shopify store is completed, now it is the time for the launch and for you to start promoting your business. Let’s explore on how to do those:

Preview your store

You can use the preview feature on Shopify to ensure that your store looks and works as it is intended to. Test the checkout process along with the responsiveness of the website on different devices to monitor the user experience.
Get a domain (optional)
To show a good and polished brand image, you may want to think about getting a custom domain if you’re currently using a free Shopify subdomain. Shopify lets you link your current domain or offers options for buying domains.

Go live

Your store should go live as soon as you’re happy with the way it looks and works. After disconnecting any password security, connect your domain (if applicable), and begin promoting your store to prospective buyers.

Market Your Store

After your business is designed and operational, it’s time to start promoting your goods and bringing in customers. Think about the marketing tactics:

Content marketing

Produce informative and interesting material about your business or line of goods. To become an authority in your niche, start a blog, write educational articles, or provide tutorials.

Social media marketing

Use well-known social media sites to market your goods, interact with customers, and launch focused advertising campaigns. Determine which social media channels your target audience is most active on, then establish a regular presence there.

Email marketing

Create a list of prospects emails and keep them updated with special offers, personalized recommendations, and updates. Track the success of your programmes and automate them with email marketing communications.

Wrapping Up

Creating a Shopify account is not as difficult as you might think it is but it is an exciting start to your digital commerce journey and has the potential to make your brand known to the world. By following these steps above you will be able to easily create and set up your own Shopify store and show the world what you have to offer.

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