- You can anytime ask our agents to deactivate your account.
- Data in your account shall be kept for another 90 days if you wish to resume the account.
- Once the data is deleted there is no way of retrieving it back.
- Wallet amount shall not be refunded in any case.
- Subscription charges paid shall not be refunded in any case.
- Any dispute related to service and credit/debit notes shall be settled in the wallet only.
- Post deactivating you may still receive invoices for those shipments which were not billed earlier or for which there are changes in the shipping details and the same shall be payable if in case not paid in advance.
- We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions of Shipyaari services at any time and shall be notified.
- In case it is found that you/user is involved in any fraudulent activities involving Shipyaari services, then your account may be put on hold or can be deactivated unless satisfactory reasons are provided.